• Luft@lemm.ee
    10 months ago

    In my experience, I’ve noted that truck drivers are on avg more likely to be shitty egotistical drivers.

    I think it’s bc they have small dicks, and they feel safe in their giant metal death machine. Nice n cozy, perfectly ready to tailgate a Mazda MX-5

    • ChaoticNeutralCzech@feddit.de
      10 months ago

      Sadly, we cannot really ban them as they are utility vehicles that a small portion of the population needs. However, I still see freakin’ ads that frame them as fancy cars.

      Czech ad for Amarok V6
      “The new Amarok V6. Pick-up truck for every day. Powerful and comfortable”

      I suggest making it illegal to buy them without a registered company or have them in any color other than matte excavator yellow (for construction) or green camo (for hunting and forestry).

      Yellow truck Camo truck

      • Duamerthrax@lemmy.world
        10 months ago

        If you can’t put a flatbed or utility bed on it, it shouldn’t be called a utility vehicle. They’re just SUVs with the back opened up.

      • sugar_in_your_tea@sh.itjust.works
        10 months ago

        I disagree on all accounts. Instead of banning/restricting trucks, we should instead make them less convenient and more expensive. So:

        • restructure cities to be transit and pedestrian first, not traffic first - see The Netherlands
        • charge vehicle registration fees based on curb weight, since heavier vehicles destroy roads more; multiply this by miles driven, less any documentation the owner has about driving on private land
        • charge an extra fee for vehicles falling net mpg targets; don’t special case SUVs and trucks, just tax them (and have certain exceptions to the tax, like if you actually use the higher passenger capacity of minivans, have a farm, etc)

        The taxes would go toward pedestrian and transit infrastructure to offset the lower efficiency and greater danger larger vehicles pose.

        • SocialMediaRefugee@lemmy.ml
          10 months ago

          They are already expensive. People feel it is ok to have an insane monthly truck payment because they must have a massive truck.

          • sugar_in_your_tea@sh.itjust.works
            10 months ago

            At a certain point, it won’t make sense. But cost alone isn’t going to solve it, hence the need to rework infrastructure to make owning massive cars inconvenient. If driving takes twice as long as the train, far fewer people would drive, and that eventually kills the car culture.

        • ChaoticNeutralCzech@feddit.de
          10 months ago

          Yes, of course. I am not entirely serious with this plan either – there is no way you could convince existing owners to have them recolored.

        • oxjox@lemmy.ml
          10 months ago

          They’re already expensive and inconvenient.
          The problem is that (many) Americans are emotionally unfulfilled consumers first and contributing members of their communities second, or third… or last, if at all.
          Most of the people driving these vehicles only care about themselves. They’ll removed and moan about these restrictions you’d like but they’ll still buy them because their egos are so utterly fragile.
          And for those who have legit reasons to operate one of these vehicles, we’ll end up subsidizing the commercial fees as write offs with taxpayer dollars.

          As with many hot topic issues, it’s easy to apply band-aids detrimental to one group while appeasing another group – but the core of the issue still remains.

          I’d argue that Americans are poorly compensated for their labor, our culture applauds those who work the hardest for the least reward, the family and community structures are sacrificed in exchange for appearing financially powerful. Our culture is about what you’ve acquired, not what you’ve given (other than your time). A big truck says you’ve acquired a lot.

          Regulations for corporations permit them to grow and advertise without enough accountability – specifically in how their “freedom of speech” impacts the perception and lives of everyday Americans. Corporations are motivated by profits and returns more than they are consumer satisfaction or safety. As long as consumers keep believing these big trucks are what they need to show how much they’ve acquired, how financially powerful they are, vehicle makers will keep increasing prices while reducing costs to get a better return on Wall Street investments.

          • sugar_in_your_tea@sh.itjust.works
            10 months ago

            we’ll end up subsidizing the commercial fees as tax write offs with taxpayer dollars

            That’s not really how it works though. All that does is move money from one bucket into another. Yeah, maybe your federal income tax receipts will go down marginally, but you’ll need to allocate less of your budget to infrastructure since that’s being funded by the tax.

            It’s really not an issue.

            the core of the issue still remains

            A huge part of the core of the issue is our car-centric culture, as in we’ve equated driving a car with freedom somehow such that waiting in traffic is preferable to sitting on a train actually getting somewhere because you’re in your car.

            To solve that, we need to drastically change city centers to be inconvenient to navigate by car. We do this by eliminating car corridors in cities, which pushes cars to the outside along a belt routes. Every part of the city is still accessible by car , it just takes longer. This allows lots of good things to happen, such as:

            • lower taxes - fewer roads means less road maintenance
            • safer streets for pedestrians, cyclists, etc
            • more room for parks and other green space
            • longer distance, high speed rail travel becomes cost effective - you’d need to ride an airplane (with the security nonsense) far less frequently

            Once people no longer need cars to get around, the culture can change. That’s precisely what happened in the Netherlands (they used to be very car centric), and it can happen elsewhere too.

            People will always want status symbols, but perhaps they’ll pick more environmentally friendly ones if cars aren’t as central to the culture, such as jewelry or designer clothing. Ideally they’d pick fully funded retirement accounts instead, but that’s not as flashy.

            Corporations are motivated by profits

            And that’ll always be true.

            Instead of trying to restrict how they can make profits (they’ll just lobby for carveouts in any regulation that impacts them), governments should instead try to change the demand side of the equation. For example:

            • If large cars are causing issues, redo the roads so big cars are less convenient. Also raise gas taxes, registration taxes, etc.
            • If suburbs are causing too much sprawl, increase property taxes, build more high density housing, and build commuter rail to other dense cities.

            And along with all this, government agencies should be producing high quality research to present to the populace in an effective way (hire an actual marketing team, don’t just publish papers).

            The trick is to get the ball rolling. Someone needs to pilot these ideas to show they work, then others will follow suit.

            • oxjox@lemmy.ml
              10 months ago

              huge part of the core of the issue is our car-centric culture, as in we’ve equated driving a car with freedom somehow such that waiting in traffic is preferable to sitting on a train actually getting somewhere because you’re in your car.

              I’m sorry but you already lost me right here. This is an ignorant ideology in this vast country. I live in a city and don’t own a car, so I appreciate the sentiment (big fan of a Climate Town and Not Just Bikes). But man, it’s just ignorant.

              As I said, no one cares about increased costs. Taxes are good for funding programs, not so much for restricting stuff.
              If you think suburbs are cheaper to live than cities, you really are in need of some perspective. You think people want to live in cities? Or are you suggesting we force people to move to cities? Whut?

              People, sorry, Americans don’t want better public transportation or infrastructure. They want better ways to travel by themselves in large cars with the greatest convenience.

              Again, I appreciate the idea that we need better public transportation and infrastructure (especially as I have travel for the holidays coming up). You’re just not going to ‘legislate away’ people’s desire to be independent. It’s the epitome of the United States’ culture.

              I mean, you’ve got a better argument if you make claims that we should bring factory jobs back to inner-cities. That, or something similar, motivates populations to engage with cities at all and creates the demand for better transportation infrastructure. But most people already don’t need the cars they have. They buy their four door pick up truck for that one time they might need the capacity of the course of ownership. I’d venture to guess most sedan owners don’t ever even carry more than one passenger.

              Granted, historically, persistent high gas prices have driven people to downsize their vehicles. So there’s some evidence that this has the desired effect. But legislators aren’t going to do this as a tax to force the public to buy smaller cars. They’re more motivated by generating profits for car makers so they can employ more people (in theory). Still, I think it’s up for debate if people would choose a smaller car or the same big car with a smaller (or electric) engine.

        • ChaoticNeutralCzech@feddit.de
          10 months ago

          Makes sense. In the Czech Republic and probably most of EU, a standard license applies to vehicles up to 3.5 t. Adding a category would help.

      • corsicanguppy@lemmy.ca
        10 months ago

        In this region, forestry vehicles are either regular-green (more ‘crayola’ than ‘olive’) or just plain white.

        The only people who drive camo trucks here are prepper weirdos or hunter rambos.

      • frezik@midwest.social
        10 months ago

        It’s trivial to setup a company. That’s not a real block.

        Now, some kind of graduated licensing standard (below a CDL, but above the current standard), absolutely.

    • Dead_or_Alive@lemmy.world
      10 months ago

      Yeah typical reaction from a car driver. You “people” always have to make some sexual comment about our dicks. It’s like our penis’s live rent free in your sick fetishized little brains.

      Of course if you need to move something the we are the first people you think of as well. But then it’s right back to dicks.

      • Luft@lemm.ee
        10 months ago

        Lol i got a van to move shit

        But sounds like i struck a nerve. Do you feel nice and safe in your big trucky wucky, threatening other drivers with grave bodily injury by tailgating them? :o

        Are you sad bc you happen to fit the most basic stereotype easy target joke ever?

        • Auli@lemmy.ca
          10 months ago

          Yep and I feel safe driving my cars also. I use my truck for fun stuff and daily in a smaller vehicle. My reason for getting a truck never involved my genitals I haul stuff, hunt and fish. Just got a moose into the back this week, am i supposed to do that with a car? You think about genitals way to much.

        • Dead_or_Alive@lemmy.world
          10 months ago

          Lol, yes I feel pretty safe in my three ton vehicle. I wouldn’t have it any other way.

          Tell me does it make you feel less safe knowing there are dudes who’s dicks are riding about head level to you? All those dicks at head level riding around you at highway speeds in vehicles bigger than yours. Is the small dick thing a coping mechanism to come to terms with the fact that you encounter hundreds of throbbing cocks at head level every day when you take to the streets?

          • Luft@lemm.ee
            10 months ago

            Lol naw, I’m indifferent so long as you’re not threatening me.

            But you deffo seem to have the fragile ego necessary to needlessly escalate while feeling safe, either behind a screen or behind the wheel of a three ton vehicle.

            Sorry about your tiny dick bro. Truly. I hear personality is more important anyway… oh fuck. Wait, you really are tragic huh?

      • OneWomanCreamTeam@sh.itjust.works
        10 months ago

        I don’t really have high opinions on modern truck design, or the average US truck driver. But I’m with you on the body shaming.

        There are plenty of tiny-cock’d individuals who are considerate drivers, and reasonable in their vehicle choice. They don’t deserve to get lumped in with the average US truck driver.

      • ghostdoggtv@lemmy.world
        10 months ago

        The only person who ever cut me off to brake check me after I signaled a merge drove an F-250 dually with a Dallas Cowboys (I laugh just thinking about it) tow hitch and a fake butch name so he could sound tough in the parking lot where nobody knew what it said his name was on the registration.

        I offered to fix the damage out of pocket but he wanted to feel powerful for once in his life, and so he called my insurance because one of the arms on his tow hitch got bent as it shattered the grill of my civic.

        We had been driving in toward downtown LA in morning rush hour traffic and the dude thought it was appropriate to race into my signal, force me off the merge that I had already started so that he could keep me from being in front of him in the right lane.

        I have plenty more I could say about this guy but it’s a waste to say anything more than the fact that he probably got a little dick.

      • IHadTwoCows@lemm.ee
        10 months ago

        I have two mid-sized Ford Rangers that moved things fine before the penis extensions were created

        • Dead_or_Alive@lemmy.world
          10 months ago

          Sounds like you have a pretty bad dick fetish if a random comment was enough to trigger you. But hey it’s cool if you like cocks, I’m not judging.