I’ve printed over 12,000 pages on my one brother laser printer! Only had to replace the drum once ($30); and I would buy my off brand toner in a 2 pack for $20! The other brother laser (scanner/fax/self-feeding) is currently at 6,000 pages! That one I’ve only had to replace the toner a few times. The most expensive thing is the paper but I have a deal with a few stores around here that I’ll buy their torn open reams for $1 each.
Yeah I had an HP and that mf would burn through a $40 cart in about 100 pages. Brother’s the boss.
Absolutely! The M2 is already highly capable. An M3 w/ DDR5 and PCIe 5, in addition to their Retina display? Hell yeah! I just use my X1 Carbon as a thin client machine; it really doesn’t do any heavy lifting. No lag on Windows or Linux; but I prefer not to have to block all microsoft instances at the router.