• 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 5th, 2023


  • Phones were always banned in my classes. I don’t know why anybody expected smartphones to be allowed.

    If even during an activity where concentration isn’t necessary they can distract, just ban them. The cinema is a good example they are bright, somebody always forgets to turn off the sound, and while you look up who that actor is or whatever, you miss part of the movie. In school, even if you decided to look something up related to what the teacher is saying, you’d lose track of what they were saying while looking it up.

  • “I understand why terrorists attack the West.”

    Having been in a long-time resident of a region of brown people that the West sees as subhuman, I don’t condone terrorist actions, but I sure do understand why some of them do it. Some people just see an action, read or hear the words, without context and judge a person based on that, but they forget that humans are the sum of their experiences.
    Just like a small-town bumpkin in Australia might hate brown people for how they brought up, a refugee hating the West might’ve lived in constant fear of being bombed by a drone, seen the consequences thereof, and been pointed at a generic Westerner as the source of evil.

    People that I’ve talked to who have lived outside of Western countries understand what I mean, but many Westerners think I’m saying terrorism is justifiable or even good.