Installing windows takes stupidly long. You have to click through 60 pages and click “No, i don’t want to share my data” just for them to collect it anyway
Installing windows takes stupidly long. You have to click through 60 pages and click “No, i don’t want to share my data” just for them to collect it anyway
/((vs)|(visual ?studio)):? ?(cod(e|ium)?)/igm
Gesprochen wie ein Löwe
This was fun to read. Everytime I read a new detail the scene in my head changed :)
Deutschlandticket JugendBW. It’s the Deutschlandticket for students in bw for 1€ a day. It is a single ticket for every public transportation (bus, tram, train, …) expect the long-distance trains.
Did it once and was disappointed. One was Sata2 instead of 3 and the other was straight up broken
The government is also not blocking any sites. Only like 5 ISPs are in the CUII. Many people are not even affected
For how long are you doing this and what’s your upload speed?