They’re escorts. They’re only hookers when they’re dead.
They’re escorts. They’re only hookers when they’re dead.
You don’t perform oral on the hand, stoopid.
Fuck me.
… please?
They seem to care enough to be willing to lose business from all the homophopes and transphobes, and that’s A LOT of business.
And most importantly: always believe in yourself.
My cave is made of plastecine, thank you very much!
I’m sorry, but I wasn’t downvoting you.
“screen door slams, Mary 's dress sways.”
Wait, why do you hope there’s no overlap? I bet she could create a mean fanfiction that would spread a good message and encourage younglings to vote. Like that WoKe FoRcEd dIVeRsitY cartoon of my childhood, Captain Planet And The Planeteers. Yes, I’m old, now stop doing your Tic Tacs in my nursing home!
What does she have to do with TV series, I thought she was a politician?
Wait, what is that painting? I like it and want to know more/the context.
I know, they’re great, aren’t they? 😛 Sorry if I came off snarky.
Yes, but I wear glasses so there’s an additional “screen”. That’s all I was saying. It didn’t occur to me at the time that we all already have lenses in the eye. So I guess me talking about glasses was redundant. I should have made the same post about those lenses. Fuck it. Live and learn …
TV series adaptations. Because they have more time to cover more/all of the books aspects.
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