Fair phone needs support for Graphene
Fair phone needs support for Graphene
I’d argue it’s just the first two. Systemd gets a lot of hate but many don’t notice the difference between distros with or without it
Th- that’s what she said
Yes babe I am real man, do you want to go skateboardz?
Fart gobbler! I’d go as far as to call them a nose-picker
Somebody cropped off the “R” from the top left corner too!
I just call people a “dingleberry” or a “loser from losertown” nowadays.
I’d let the dogs out through the teeth.
Agreed! I implemented a less complex version of the diagram you posted, and it yields higher quality results than Stremio for someone viewing it on a computer. However, when friends need a Netflix replacement, they need something that’s “plug-n-play”
Doesn’t Spiral count?
Oh hell, I thought they were good folks. Thank you for making me aware!