I’ve experienced burnout throughout work and education since I was sixteen. Usually around once every 12-18 months. I’ve accrued a lot of associated trauma.
For context, burnout for me is extreme depression and executive dysfunction lasting for months at a time to the extent I stop all work and social activities.
My only chance has been remote work. In my case, I work as a freelancer. I’m quite functional when I can do everything at home without facing people, and my job pays well enough/I have my life organized so I do not have to work full time.
This setup worked so well for me that I decided to return to university as a grown up just for the shits and giggles. I was well prepared, had no real pressure to be there, was just going to have fun, but got burnout anyway. Peopling is just not for me.
A great example of what people do with determination, when release - or reprieved- from wage slavery .
“Oh look, I’ll go learn something, for the joy of learning”.
Others would volunteer, set up repair cafes, kids sports.
One can dream