Of all the Palestinian prisoners released so far, 98 were detained without charge. 119 of the freed prisoners were children and the remaining 31 were women.

  • steventhedev@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    Short preface: please edit your post to not include the full article text - it’s at risk for being removed (see Rule 2 in the sidebar)

    The headline is objectively wrong - all 300 on the original list have been charged (I haven’t checked the 50 who were added recently - life is busy). In fact, I went back to redownload the list to see if they fixed the encoding issue - they did, and they added the court file numbers for each person.

    Of the original 300, 233 have not yet been convicted and were awaiting their trials. There are 58 being held on a singular “פגיעה בבטחון האזור” charge (Google translates as “Damage to the security of the area”), and would likely be released anyways. I say that because the remainder have much more detailed charges such as:

    הצתה על רקע לאומני, נשק/תחמושת/חומרי נפץ, עבירות הסדר הציבורי, תקיפת שוטר בנסיבות חמורות, עבירות כלפי חיי אדם

    which Google translates as:

    Arson on a nationalist background, weapons/ammunition/explosives, public order offenses, assaulting a police officer under serious circumstances, offenses against human life

    In fact, it makes it difficult to do proper data science on it in no small part because the charges are clearly typed by hand (typos and all), and include many different individual charges. There are 92 who are being charged in civilian courts, which seems to be based on where they were arrested, as the majority are from Jerusalem.

    Interesting tidbit: none of the original 300 were arrested after October 7th.

    EDIT: forgot to link the actual list

    • Linkerbaan@lemmy.worldOP
      10 months ago

      I’ve edited some stuff out since you care about the rules so much.

      A legal charge is supposed to describe the illegal act the person has committed or a law they have broken no?

      “Miscellaneous” or “security whatever” isn’t a charge, it’s made up israeli kangaroo court lingo the likes the Russians use in their court systems. Especially when israel kidnaps Palestinians for over a year without any trial.

    • steventhedev@lemmy.world
      10 months ago

      I pulled the list of the 50 added - it’s actually a little interesting:

      1. They are all women, 2 of whom are under 18.
      2. 25 are Israeli citizens. The previous one was exclusively those who do not have Israeli citizenship.
      3. All but 4 were arrested after October 7th.
      4. 15 were charged with “תמיכה בטרור”, which translates as “supporting terrorism”. Another 12 were charged with “תמיכה בטרור, הסתה”, so basically that + incitement to violence.
      5. 3 were convicted already - 2 for attempted murder, and 1 for “תמיכה בטרור, עבירות מרמה, שירות לארגון בלתי חוקי, קשר לביצוע פשע” which Google translates as “Support for terrorism, fraud offences, service to an illegal organization, connection to the commission of a crime”
      6. 35 of them are arraigned to civilian courts - 15 to military courts. As previously mentioned, this seems to correlate strongly with where they live/were arrested.

      And the crowd pleaser:

      Ahed Tamimi is on that list - she was charged with “הסתה, תמיכה בטרור”, and is listed as being a member of “חז"ע”. That is an accusation with very serious consequences if true - PFLP are a terrorist organization designated for sanctions by many countries - US, CA, UK, etc.