Just saw a thread on thermal monitors for a desktop set up. It made me think of GKrellm. No https apparently.
I loved using that! But for some reason I stopped installing it.
Same with Afterstep. Though I found the configs for that one a pain to use, and I eventually started using things like Fluxbox.
So, what did you used to love, and maybe still do? Bit of a desktop-focus but it can be anything I suppose.
If someone told me over twenty years ago that one day I would not be using Gentoo, Enlightenment, screen, bash and ssh. I would have had a hard time believing it yet now I am using Arch, i3wm, tmux, fish and mosh. Gkrellm was always permanently running on my desktop at that time too.
Enlightenment. Loved it. What did I run it on? Back before we did the free Ubuntu cdrom… Knoppix! That took a while to remember and find. GKrellm and the webcam plugin for things like Earthcam.Com