Just saw a thread on thermal monitors for a desktop set up. It made me think of GKrellm. No https apparently.
I loved using that! But for some reason I stopped installing it.
Same with Afterstep. Though I found the configs for that one a pain to use, and I eventually started using things like Fluxbox.
So, what did you used to love, and maybe still do? Bit of a desktop-focus but it can be anything I suppose.
Ubuntu until it integrated with Amazon search. Years later I tried a recent version but I hated snap being forced everywhere.
Switched to Mint when Mark Shuttleworth personally declared all windows would be left-handed, the day before a long-term feature freeze.
Coin-toss decisions have no wrong answer… except going back to re-flip that coin. Once people learn whichever way you implemented, that is the right answer.
For me it was more petty, I bailed when they moved my window buttons to the left (Ubuntu 10.04 I think?) because I saw the writing on the wall for further unwanted changes. And sure enough, they moved to Unity as their DE, which I couldn’t stand.
FileZilla, until the maintainer(s?) decided to start putting malware in the installer.
Likewise with Moq, it’s not cool grabbing emails from my got config without asking and sending them somewhere.
If someone told me over twenty years ago that one day I would not be using Gentoo, Enlightenment, screen, bash and ssh. I would have had a hard time believing it yet now I am using Arch, i3wm, tmux, fish and mosh. Gkrellm was always permanently running on my desktop at that time too.
Enlightenment. Loved it. What did I run it on? Back before we did the free Ubuntu cdrom… Knoppix! That took a while to remember and find. GKrellm and the webcam plugin for things like Earthcam.Com
I use Easytag regularly despite not being updated in 7 years
Kubernetes and the ecosystem around it… Things like external-dns, autoscalers, external secrets operator, istio, cilium, vitess, etc… It’s a joy to work with and I don’t want to go back to the old way if I can avoid it.
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Windows before I found linux, adobe software in general before they started making their stuff subscription only. Krita and da vinci fill the void somewhat.
MacOS. Until someone at Apple decided it needed to look and act like iOS.
I really liked my setup, but some programs sucked to use with it (GIMP comes to mind). It was the tiling WM that I stuck with the longest (also tried i3 and AwesomeWM).
Maybe I’ll find Sway a shot now that I have an AMD GPU so Wayland should work properly. If anyone has any recommendations for Wayland tiling compositors, let me know, I see there are several now.
Ooh yeah!