Sorry. English is not my first language. Can some one tell me what’s wrong?
Sorry. English is not my first language. Can some one tell me what’s wrong?
My wife ask me same thing. At least here in my country I couldn’t find it.
As I had really good experiences with some rust replacements I got into zellij, that’s probably worst the tmux.
Omg looks like people think omz is a shell.
No. Zsh. It’s pretty easy to have a nice auto compl. No need for omz. After knowing poweline10k I just use it and syntax highlight plugin, manually installed. There is no need to add entire omz.
Java, JavaScript, Python and SQL and you’ll be pretty safe for some of the years to come.
There is also biglybt that I heard is good for some few seeds/hard to download torrents.
'Cause I’m just thinking about tearing you down to check how your insides works.
Are you not training a LLM model with dead people message history yet? DeadGPT.
Just like debian. Photo and Shop
Suse too believe it or not.
Microsoft too believe it or not.
Sorry. English is not my first lang. Is there a name that sounds like mysql?
How many reasons did you code into it?
How would this text encoding converter Gui app be named?
I would find it funny a couple of years ago. Nowadays, it feels kind of sad.