So this is what Vulcanization is? Are you weirdly worked up about this topic?
Like all these people were happily Yugoslavs and somebody fueled the** different nationalisms** in them to break them up? How does this** compare even remotely** to the American situation?
In America you have several states that oppress their own people because they stand fundamentally against constitutional democracy, freedom of religion, abolition of slavery, gender equality, climate science, endocrinology, …add here whatever the average christofascist hates in order to feel righteous and murderous.
In that they explicitly want to undo modernity and bring society back to the Dark Ages, they are basically the equivalent of the Islamic State in every aspect, except for the flavor of Abrahamic OS they run on their state apparatus.
So instead of telling normal people (leftists, scientists, muslims, gay, trans, intersex) to tolerate those weird freaks, why don’t you go preach to oppressed Arab populations to find some common ground with ISIS, and GTFO ?
Everyone knows what a witch hunt means. And almost everyone knows how to not feed the troll. It is insane that you succumbed to any idiot suggesting that “witch hunt” would demonize trans students. By the same coin, when Trump talked of his impeachment as “witch hunt”, he did not come out as a witch, did he? This is preposterous.