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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • The numbers I gave are the model outputs for the state as of yesterday off his subscriber based model talk page.

    So no.

    Of course these are the likelihood of a win and not polling differences. That’s why I said model output, not a poll aggregate.

    An 8 point spread in a state for polling averages is incredibly large. For reference Ohio is as deeply spread red in polling averages as Nee Jersey is blue. You think New Jersey votes red this year in any reasonable reality? No.

    For an even more crazy but accurate comparison: Alaska has the same mid point statistical odds of going red as Ohio, but its error bars are more than double Ohio. Meaning? There is an incredibly slim but massively more possible chance Alaska goes blue than Ohio.

  • If you were alive in 1960s America, you would have seen no seat belts, significantly lower life expectancy, children still dying to smallpox and polio, and if you are ethnically from the Middle East; everyone in America would have hated you. Race riots were a massive thing in the 60s, police brutality was rampant against people of color. Even the FBI was trying to suppress race progress.

    You have presidents for decades trying to create racist drug politics to entrap only non-white non-affluent people into cyclical prison systems.

    You have so much hidden then, that happens today, but it was both hidden and far far greater.

    The ideal doesn’t exist at all and more so for someone like yourself.

  • Sure it does, but that doesn’t make it bad.

    Open source code is not the only solution to secure communication.

    You can be extremely secure on closed source tools as well.

    If they found specific issues with Signal aside from not being allowed to freely inspect their code base, I suspect we would be hearing about it. Instead I don’t see specific security failings just hat it didn’t make the measure for their security software audit.

    As an example of something that is closed source and trusted:

    The software used to load data and debug the F-35 fighter jet.

    Pretty big problem for 16 countries if that isn’t secure… closed source. So much s you can’t even run tests against the device for loading data to the jet live. It’s a problem to sort out, but it’s an example of where highly important communication protocols are not open source and trusted by the governments of many countries.

    If their particular standard here was open source, ok, but they didn’t do anything to assure the version they inspected would be the only version used. In fact every release from that basement pair of programmers could inadvertently have a flaw in it, which this committee would not be reviewing in the code base for its members of parliament.

  • Yes.

    Just this month I was there and the pizza is a different concept there to be sure.

    Street pizzas of thinly sliced zucchini or potato covering bread rounds with olive oil. That’s pizza in Rome.

    Focaccia bread like crust with some anchovies and potatoe? Pizza.

    Neapolitan style is just a different style again, but the theme is dough is not the delivery agent, it is the primary purpose. The dough is the important bit, with toppings being intended to enhance subtle flavors for it.

    Italian pizza is most similar in American expectations of food typically found there, to flatbread dishes. It’s flatbread with some stuff on top to accent it. There is no cheese on most of the pizza I had in the various parts of Italy I was in. Cheese was not an expected component. Healthy or at least flavorful variations on additions to the dough are the goal.

    Whether you are in Sardinia, Calabria, or Rome; pizza is pizza dough with local additives.

    I have seen French fries on top of pizza in Sardinia, and this was called there “American pizza” :)

  • Two questions for you!

    1.) What is the most useful thing we in the Lemmy community can do to help you get that Oscar?

    2.) I have a secret Santa this year coming up in a month that I am a part of with some friends. Would you be interested in leaving a comment for a friend of mine in response to this that I can show them a month from now for the secret santa?

    “Hey Rome, this is Margot Robbie wishing you a merry Christmas and happy new year?”, or something like that?

    Thanks for being cool either way and good luck getting nominated this year!