The average person produces about 1.5 liters of saliva per day.
I liked Andor :(
I get your point but drug cartels love her political party and they are VERY happy that she won the presidency.
Our current president that is the “spiritual” leader of the party has the mantra of “abrazos, no balazos” (hugs, not shots) towards drug cartels.
Honestly it’s a mess, as soon you start a business they come and start demanding money like it’s their tax.
But people seems that they love it since they voted for her /shrugs
Ohhhh yeah I got a new suggestion when someone I don’t like wants to get into “your nerd linux world”
You know, OOP in Spanish translates as “Programación orientada a objetos” or POO in case you need it
David Bowie zombie
Even if Science Fiction is more popular now it is still kinda a niche area, so disappointed to get one of the good sources do this
Sometimes the internet is weird
Congrats! now you can indulge in recreational activities (for a day o two) without remorse!
That chicken didn’t skip leg day
Jeffrey Dahmer has enter the chat.
Putting aside the idea that everyone can read the code and find/fix exploits, sometimes it’s good to be open to vulnerabilities because you know where/what to fix.
Sometimes closed code it’s exploited for years before the owner or general public finds out, and that leads to more problems.
thank you
you should ask to remove the chopsticks
Yes I do dry them with a cloth towel, some things that trap moisture can’t be washed like onions. Bananas for example usually skip them, if they have a small scratch/cut they tend to rot from the filtration tho.
Reading comprehension wasn’t that strong in your elementary school isn’t it?
Before covid some groceries (mostly fruits/vegetables) lasted 1 week or a little more. After that sometimes 2 or more, just today I cut a pineapple that it’s 3 weeks old. I’m going to keep washing them.
And it’s really nice to just open the fridge and just bite the apple w/o needing to wash it (again).
Ghost in the Stalls
I searched for “Ghost in the Stalls” It’s a video of a guy talking to the camera… I switched to the animated version, I don’t know why I thought it could be funny at least more than the guy just talking… it wasn’t.
I bet the guy is an aspiring writer, it’s bad, don’t waste your time.
I’ve been there and you know what’s worse about it? When you fix it only you or a handful of people notice the astronomical labor you did.
“It worked before why did you change it? You are just doing busywork”