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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • He’s (surprisingly) demonstrated a willingness to actually get some things done. I never would have thought that he would given all we were hearing about him before, but he’s not been a complete roadblock to governing, so the question is do Dems take this small concession that he’s actually willing to govern or take a chance that the Republicans put someone in there who is more hostile and prone to standoffs.

    I tend to agree, though. Politically, it doesn’t make a lot of sense for Dems to support him, or for Republicans to side with Democrats, which their base will absolutely loathe, so if he gets put on the chopping block it’s likely that no one will save him on either side.

  • I never played the games but was able to pick up enough through context clues about what each group is all about and generally what’s going on. I do have lots of questions about the specifics of each group, but I’m hoping that in future episodes (I am only a few episodes in) and seasons they flesh things out a bit more to fill in some of the more mysterious aspects of the show.

  • I use Plex. I have different libraries set up for movies, TV shows, educational videos, home videos, and during the pandemic it was great because my kids were doing dance class remotely, so I even set up a library so they could have all their dance class videos in one spot to practice their routines. I also organize my family photos there as well, which works out great to have those and the home videos all in one place. I can even give family members access to various libraries if they want to view family photos/videos, which has been handy as well.

    Lots of people swear by jellyfin, but I’ve had so much success with Plex that I haven’t bothered to check it out. It’s probably easy enough to get a server for each up and running and see which you prefer.

  • Attacking civilians is also plain and simple terrorism

    So we’re in agreement that this is essentially two terrorist states fighting each other? And the biggest losers in all of this will be the innocent Israeli and Palestinian citizens who just want to live their lives in peace. Meanwhile Hamas and the Israeli state get to go back and forth playing the their sick game of race-to-the-bottom-of-the-morality-barrel trying to blow each other to smithereens.

  • Spiro’s letter complains about Meta hiring some of the many workers who were laid off or resigned from Twitter in the eight months since Musk bought the company.

    “Over the past year, Meta has hired dozens of former Twitter employees… these employees had and continue to have access to Twitter’s trade secrets and other highly confidential information,” Spiro wrote in the letter to Zuckerberg. The workers, he alleged, “owe ongoing obligations to Twitter,” and many “have improperly retained Twitter documents and electronic devices.”

    “We fired a bunch of people and you hired them to build the same thing they built for us! Not fair not fair!”

  • I’m in the same boat with oblivion and Skyrim. Add Morrowind to that list as well. I love open world games but have a hard time finishing them because I get distracted by side quests and then distracted by life, stop playing for awhile, then when I pick it back up I forget where I left off, have a hard time remembering the mechanics, don’t want to restart from scratch, and just move on to something else. Now I’ve been playing (and replaying) mostly linear fps games like all the old Jedi knight games, the halo games, and a few other games that are more “on rails” that I know I’ll be able to finish.