I won’t kink shame you, you do you!
Have a great day!
I won’t kink shame you, you do you!
Have a great day!
Not sure what your point is.
Good luck!
Thank you for the links and the reply!
Oh no…
Why would they do this to themselves?! Why?!
Dots are better than spaces.
Tab vs. spaces, spaces.
I prefer dots over spaces.
Spaces can mess with stuff, double space…
Do you think the same of leaks done by journalists of how our military functions?
Your comment does not help, you should have tried to use sentences to help educate me or to state your thinking process.
Did you not read all of my response.
Consistency is required when looking at the problems we have.
This is happenong to Musk, but the same happens to people on the left.
Smears happen without proof, just for going against the status quo.
This seems to be a smear for not siding with Israel, and calling for peace.
Your response does not help make your point, it does the opposite.
I am not sure what you are trying to get across.
Reminds me of Trump derangement syndrome.
Again, we have enough to bash Musk as is, no need to lie or make up things.
Yes, but this article seems to be a smear of MSM.
Due to not siding with Israel and instead talking of ceasefire or peace, same with Ukraine/Russia.
Looking at the talk he had with Lex Fridman.
This is a win for the status quo bloods and crips.
To me, there is a lot to bash Musk on, but the twitter files confirmed and should have enlightened many of the problems we currently have with politicians/media/corporations being in bed with each other.
This seems similar to the Russiagate stories pushed by legacy media.
Smearing opposition of the status quo, then once the population believes the lies, the truth starts to comes out years later by MSM journalists.
I make mistakes and I am willing to learn, so please if anyone can articulate and explain in detail?
Why all the baseless hate against Musk, while we already know enough about how he treats his workers to be against him. No need to be hostile or to lie when talking about him.
edit:2 words
Seems like a positive, good on FCC.
Seems to not be a race problem, it is more on working class vs. wealthy class problem.
Wealthier neigborhoods vs. working class neigborhoods.
Interesting news to follow, can’t wait for independent yters and the like to start commenting on this.
Reminds me of tribalism talks.
Tribal Thinking
“This experiment demonstrates that our political pre-dispositions can strongly influence our numerical reasoning regardless of our political persuasion.”
Are Smart People Ruining Democracy? | Dan Kahan | TEDxVienna [13:05 | Dec 10, 2018 | TEDx Talks]
Tribalism: How to Be Part of the Solution, Not the Problem
Whether it’s race, religion, or politics, tribalism threatens all we hold dear. [July 31, 2022| John G. Cottone Ph.D. The Cube]
To keep our tribalist impulses in check, I believe we must regularly ask ourselves difficult questions:
Do I know how to recognize the propaganda of my own tribe, and resist it when I see it?
Do I recognize that every event can be viewed from multiple perspectives and that my tribe’s perspective is just one of many?
Do I pursue multiple perspectives on important issues with intellectual honesty — or do I only solicit my own tribe’s political perspective?
Do I call out members of my own tribe for bad behavior as often as I call out members of rival tribes — or do I rationalize and ignore their transgressions?
Do I have compassion for everyone on the road of truth, even those who are walking today where I walked yesterday?
Oh, okay.
I think I understand a bit of what you are saying.
Thanks for the help!
edit: links fixed
I did a quick search and found only these:
Not sure about neutral/pro/con of them though.
Well, IMO the coups did what was required, same in latin america.
It stopped the political party that was going to rule and chaos would ensue.
Due to party plans of interfering with US corporations and allies.
State polls show he is tied or winning in some cases over biden.
When certain two unnamed 3rd party people are included, numbers shift in an interesting way.
For biden to win, polling needs to be couple points higher, not just tied.
One year out, so… will be interesting to see how well polling works this time around.
Not too sure on that, US has many ways to force cease fires as good as starting coups.
I think if we had a president and congress that wanted it done, it would be done.
Co-op delivery company in the works?!
Great on Tony, doing the damn thing!