ejra212 [he/him/his]

Hiya, I am ejra212 [he/him/his], and I’m generally friendly, but if you’re a KKKraKKKer or a KKKumSSKKKin, then prepare for my wrath. I will avoid debate perverts like the plague. Don’t like it? Then fuck off. I’ve got problems in life, okay? Can’t deal with faSSciSStSS.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 22nd, 2023

  • I personally think that you all were very patient with that KKKumSSKKKin (yes, I use these spellings at times.) I mean the fact that the uSSer was saying they didn’t give a shit about voting, and yet encouraged us to vote for fucking KKKopmala HarriSS means that they were either a weSStern leftiSSt, a shill for the DemoKKKratSS co-opting leftism, or a fucking troll.

    I mean personally, I have very little patience for time wasters like them, so thanks very glad to you and all dear comrades who tried to explain eleKKKtoraliSSm to that troll.



    I felt awful having to spell “leftist” like that, but it is for KKKraKKKerSS like em.