• 2 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: April 19th, 2022


  • different neural network types excel at different tasks - image recognition was invented way before LLMs, not only for lack of processing power, but also because the previous architectures didn’t work with languages. New architectures don’t appear out of thin air, they are created with a rough idea of what we could need to make the network do a certain task (e.g. NLP) better. Even tokenization isn’t blind codepoint separation but is based on an analysis of languages. But yes, natural languages aren’t “parsed” for neural networks, they don’t even have a formal grammar.

  • While I agree that LLMs can achieve human-tier efficiency at most tasks eventually (some architectural changes will be necessary, but the core approach seems sound), it’s wrong to say it’s modeled after the human brain. We have no idea how brains work as they’re super complex, we’re building artificial neural networks from the ground up. AI uses centuries’ worth of math, but with our current maths knowledge the code isn’t too complicated. Human brains aren’t like that, they can’t be summed up in a few lines of code because DNA is a huge mess that contains so much more than just “learning”, so many inactive or redundant bits and pieces. We’re building LLMs with knowledge of how languages work, not how brains work.

  • There’s an issue without you saying not because you don’t know econ 101, but because you do know it. Because you shift the focus from the systems (global imperialism) to the individuals (“so you shouldn’t be allowed to migrate?”). What causes migration is, objectively, unequal development of different countries caused by imperialism and inherent to the market system, and not “personal decisions”. That means shifting the talk to “personal decisions” is pointless and harmful.

    It’s like going “oh but you voluntarily choose to buy/sell” and blaming all your economic problems on yourself.