It works fine
It works fine
Subscriber count in not a big deal. Hope it doesn’t happen with comments and votes
The only peertube I ever take interest in is Luke Smith
Centrism is neither liberalism nor conservatism. Stop making a mockery of basic definitions
It’s funny you are getting downvoted for refusing to chug down their propaganda politics
I was blocked from posting anything on c/world, because I offered dissenting opinion. Now I block them instead
Because porn’s a massive waste of time, energy and bandwidth. I mean there are various obvious reasons
first world problems
When I stopped listening to my overbearing parents. One of the best decisions of my life. Took me a long time to convince myself that I did the right thing
Solidified shit
I know nothing would change with just me. I had a little bit of free time this evening
Putting it in a classic Richard Dawkins fashion… Come on, you are a man of the 21st century, you don’t need me to tell you that Diamoric changing into a Pomosexual overnight because he also happened to also be gender fluid, is a myth
Just because I despise the Christian ideology / Bible, doesn’t mean I despise Christians. Similarly, for most of the gender ideology and trans people
I never harmed or “threw trans people in concentration camps”. By your own logic I’m not a nazi
I never said I hate trans people. They are perfectly normal humans, and should allowed to live freely
But whether you like it or not, most of the gender ideology is utter nonsense/pseudoscience/mythology. It’s just made up bullcrap
I still don’t understand how all this relates to nazis. It’s like you use it as a swear word and have forgotten the underlying meaning
Lmao. So should we agree you have no arguments left for your case, other than namecalling and verbal abuse?
Ok. I agree it’s not a threat. But still something close. You "suggest"ed me to harm myself in a very brutal way
You still haven’t explained me how I’m a nazi? I think you are not being reasonable here
Wow, a violent threat from the person who goes around calling others fascists and nazis? You are in a cult man
And how exactly do you know I’m a nazi? Just because I didn’t blindly reciprocate you? That’s a very very weak argument
And you should start tolerating people who think differently from you. Be a little open minded
Ok. So here’s the real deal. I’m addicted to porn. I’m a real life coomer