Any recipes you would recommend I start with? I’ve heard of but never tried this dish and I’d like to experiment :D
I read that with Guga cadence.
RIP and thanks for all the hard work I’ve benefited from over the last decade.
I’ll think of this man while explaining vim to my new hire next week. is pretty amazing.
While I generally agree: in this case - you hit most of the points I cared to have mentioned. But considering that lack of participation that comes with small(er) communities, I’d rather have provided some input (visual or otherwise) to encourage further participation, or to at least have furthered the perception.
Otherwise, I don’t have much to add. We just need more bodies doing more things here at the Fediverse in more niche communities that we care about. The issue with the larger audience is it tends to transform into the “Hive Mind” that we all know and love. Because lurkers (such as myself) don’t typically add to conversations when we feel our thoughts have been well enough captured (eg - “this”).
A double-edged sword, for sure.