• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023

  • Are Hallie Berry, Drew Barrymore, Alexandria Daddario, Madonna, the singer Pink, or countless other people who have posed for commercial available photoshoots or video scenes “sex workers”?

    If no, I’m going to need you to articulate how they aren’t but Instagram and non-nude OF models somehow are.

  • Yellz0 and Kaitlyn Krems are not “sex workers,” unless you expand the term so broadly so as to include anyone offering titillation, at which point every model and most actors would fall under it as well.

    So no, I am specifically not assuming they follow sex workers, I am assuming they follow people who offer titillating content, as expressed.

  • How old do you think the women on pornhub are? What makes them more acceptable to look at over the women on instagram? I mean if we’re talking about dudes perving on private social media accounts of 15 year olds, yeah of course that’s fucked up. But that isn’t at all the implication I got here, rather I assumed he’s talking about OnlyFans models and other young women (not girls) who are offering their looks as a product, like Yellz0 or Kaitlyn Krems. In that case, this is extremely normal, and not really any different than the nearly 100 years of Hollywood; or did you assume the beautiful young starlets were only meant to appeal to their age peers (despite being cast and promoted by primarily older men)?

    Hollywood, magazines, art, sales catalogues, and pornography; they are all selling the sexual appeal of young adulthood. And so long as the men and women being gazed at are willingly and consensually offering the display of their body, and they’re of legal and intellectual ability to consent, then nobody is being wronged here, and nobody is behaving abnormally. These women deserve respect (as do the women on pornhub, to be clear; I’m still trying to understand what separates the two entities to you), and stepping over established boundaries, personal or social, is not okay obviously, but assuming the caveats I’ve outlined, I see nothing disrespectful about buying what somebody is willfully selling.

    As for the age gap… look, we can pretend to be this perfectly evolved species of always equitable and simple moral choices while ignoring literally the whole of human history which heavily implies an attraction in humans to young adulthood that doesn’t seem to wean with age, or we can accept reality for what it is, warts and all. Personally for me, I just don’t see how infantilizing young adults as if they are helpless children in need of constant coddling and viewing every relationship as an inherent competition of power and experience where any imbalance implies irreconcilable differences benefits us as a society.

  • Not in the slightest. I’ll happily talk dicks with you all day; I’m extremely sexually liberal.

    But talking about dicks isn’t the same as listening to a bunch of chud weirdos whining and crying about the world’s least consequential issue that’s they’re only mad about because deep down they ignorantly think their tiny dicks would be bigger if they hadn’t had their foreskins stolen.

    Again, it’s just a weird fucking thing to focus on. Bring it up when the topic comes up, of course, but to fucking insert it in conversations as if it’s relevant, as was done in this post, will always be weird.

    But hey, if you wanna talk about dicks for fun, I’m game. Mine curves slightly to the left, how about you?

  • I think we’d have to take a poll from the general population and compare it with a poll from an anti-circumcision group and compare it to be sure.

    My guy, please be for fucking real right now. There is a difference between an unfounded claim and an outlandish one. If I said “all of the smartest people on earth believe Poland borders Peru,” we wouldn’t need a study or poll to confirm I was full of shit, we could just reasonably deduce it. Likewise we don’t need a survey to tell us that any man who genuinely tried to bring up circumcision as tantamount in the abortion conversation would be rightly laughed out of serious consideration.

    Again, I acknowledge you aren’t wrong and I will acknowledge both abortion and circumcision exist under the same very broad umbrella of bodily autonomy, but frankly the scale and scope of the two are so wildly and enormously different as to instantly render any attempts at comparison moot.

    And honestly, I really think that you know this too. I truly believe that if you can divorce yourself from your personal investment in this topic, you will also see what an absurd comparison that is.

  • Modders make mods for free. Video creators publish free videos on sites like Youtube or Vimeo today without any revenue stream. Prior to that creators published their content for free on sites like ebaums, or albinoblacksheep, or on personal pages.

    Humans want to share. If Youtube had never existed, people wouldn’t have suddenly stopped making videos to share, they should have just found another method of sharing or created their own alternative. The desire to create and share is innate to humanity; the concept of monetary compensation is not.

    As for wanting everything to be free (I’m not who you were talking to but I’m responding anyway)… I mean, yeah kind of? Here’s my question: why should everything be paid? I think that’s a backwards mentality. People were sharing stories and art and other creations for no reason other than the love of sharing long before Youtube, and they will keep doing so after. Imo not every effort in life needs to be directly compensated. To me this is the same reason I will never pay for game mod: I want to support and encourage a modding community who mods because they love do it and they love sharing with community, not because they see a possible revenue stream.

    Imo turning your hobbies into jobs or “side hustles” is one of the worst consequences of capitalism, and one we should push back against.

  • Every person is already paying for Youtube with their data. The ads are asking above and beyond.

    It would be an entirely different story if Google wasn’t primarily first a data-mining company, but since they are, and since selling that data (or the results of using that data) in of the MAIN revenue streams for their business, it is disingenuous to act like Youtube is some free service that is being offered to us. It’s not; it’s a massive data-mining operation of incredible value as it offers not just demographic information but vastly more details on individual interests and what kind of things they are likely to actually click and interact with than the vast majority of other platforms and sites.

    We have got to stop ignoring the data aspect of businesses like Youtube.