Try it and end up in pain
Even though there is a shipping lane
Because that would be insane
You can have succession wars, incompetent inbred rulers and overexploitation without any climate change. But climate change would make it more likely to happen and make the outcome worse.
Any system will become broken is the same way. The top always gets greedy.
Usually it’s a combination with dysfunctional politics, war, resource depletion and climate change.
More fun, they have no butthole or a peehole. It’s a cloaca, what is basically the combination of both and what comes out of it is also the combination of both. Dinosaurs were built the same way.
You don’t want to live on Mars when Musk is in charge of the oxygen you breath.
The economy is expected to stall, shrink and be wiped out the warmer it gets. Insurances disappear, and with that loans and other financial instruments. Production and supply chain issues make things increasingly unviable. Basics like food take an the money. With business as usual, that’s within decades as far as I could find. They’re playing only short term.
They’re not exactly unaware, but only care for how it affects them. Anything heinous that happens to someone else is seen as completely irrelevant.
Everytime with a project when you ask a document that says what has been agreed with the customer and the estimate for a planning and they look at you like a deer in the headlights to then forward a document from the sales guy that just says “we’ll do everything” and a phone book sized map with “a few additional demands from the customer.” Yeah, that project is auditioning for a role as the Hindenburg.
It’s the modern version of sacrificing people in a volcano to appease the gods.
“Fuck it, might as well keep doing what I’m doing.”
And that last group is going to be angry when they can’t keep doing their stuff when insurance rates go insane so they can’t buy houses or cars, or when food prices keep going up even faster than they are now.
They really want to force gamers to buy their new games which are pretty much like the old games but now with extra helpings of ads, gambling mechanics and micro transactions on top
Dithering, it’s a lost art. It always reminds me of Monkey Island.
Living out the last excesses of a broken system before it all falls apart
That’s old news, no? I recall reading that basically from 2°C there is no more economic growth, what means a lot of people are thrown under the bus. From 3°C there is no more economy, meaning no food, heating, fighting everywhere. From 4°C there is basically no more humanity.
That’s when you hear yelling in a Scottish accent: “She can’t take any more if this.”