
… Looking for a Lemmy instance to run to. The wrong-image thing is funny but I’m feeling pretty done with “Error” and never getting access to some commagazines even when they should be federated.
Edit: Moving out! Pawb(.social) has let me in so off I gooooo :3

Meep :3
She/They, also transer than a box of transistors! wiggles transly
Very cute, but also weird and sometimes kinda sharp

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • LLM “AI” fans thinking “Hey, humans are dumb and AI is smart so let’s leave murder to a piece of software hurriedly cobbled together by a human and pushed out before even they thought it was ready!”

    I guess while I’m cheering the fiery destruction of humanity I’ll be thanking not the wonderful being who pressed the “Yes, I’m sure I want to set off the antimatter bombs that will end all humans” but the people who were like “Let’s give the robots a chance! It’s not like the thinking they don’t do could possibly be worse than that of the humans who put some of their own thoughts into the robots!”

    I just woke up, so you’re getting snark. makes noises like the snarks from Half-Life You’ll eat your snark and you’ll like it!

  • Some fun stack-based concatenative language (like Forth or Min) :3 I like playing with odd/new-to-me things that change how I have to approach things in some way. … Also I wanna find a Forth community I can stand 😅 That or maybe a similar low-level language, I suppose. I was thinking of using it for a project but… eegh. Bleh. Et cetera. Still might, but purely on my own terms I guess.

    Also, more Haskell please >:3 Or something else like it. We must spread the glory of FP nerdery @.@ …And maybe get some more useful (and maintained) packages to work with instead of just kinda having to wonder what even builds any more v.v

  • Hrrrgghhh routers! The last two I’ve dealt with were a Netgear and an ASUS and… well, at least the ASUS got out of my way relatively quickly? SSH’d in and crammed it full of OpenWRT 😅Did the same to the Netgear but that one fought so hard to force me into using some admin-through-their-website kind of horsecrap that I hate. All’ the docs I wanted/needed were lies, BS, broken links, contradictory… it was a proper mess. I don’t want a singing, dancing bird-robot tweeting all night (to some corp’s servers), just gimme a damn router that’s mine!

    … I may be a little bit old-headed about some tech things <.< I guess things are moving on to “your own hardware as a service” now :-\