Pretend to throw something!
Pretend to throw something!
So hard to decide on the spread. Butter? Ketchup? Mustard? Might need this cotter pin at some point…and a swiss army knife… eh butter is fine. Et voila.
It takes a few tries so it’s more like schlick schlick schloop sssccchhhlllorp
Jesus Christ.
No really, I see him!
I’d say because if we’re trying to find things unique to guys it’s relevant to point out when it isn’t unique.
This is fine. I probably taste good.
Dad might be a sith lord
I mean sure but I think there’s a few extra steps between “feeling” this way and fucking doing it.
Sex? Yes please. /austinpowersface
The absolute disgust that clickbait titles evoke in me is enough to turn me away. But it’s become so normalized that even the legit content does it. Now I can’t read. Thanks, world leaders.
That man’s name? Jesus Christ. Also his cross is upside down.
Silly me thought it was calling the big guy in the middle a tank
One time I was kicked from a server for using the tag killerbean because ‘bean’ was an offensive racial slur.
Chewy (type of compliments granola bar)
Yeah what the heck!?
It’s just a little squeezey in the middle…and slammy at the end. Kids are small and tough, like when you drop a bug from 100 times its height and it’s unharmed. They’ll be fine…oh that child colored goo at the end? That’s just theme decor.
A mix of both. Take the left one, make his torso just a bit taller and skinnier, and shorten the neck a fair bit. The arms need to be real lanky as well.