Is webp better than png?
Is webp better than png?
Even before phones schools were like this. But they’d just put you in mandatory extra classes to fix your grades. Instead of, you know, talking to you. To get to know how you are doing and how you’re feeling.
I’ve hated my school time and all it taught me is teachers are obsessed with having power over others. Maybe not all teachers, but a lot are like this. They won’t listen to you, they just force their opinion on you. And if you don’t do well in their pre-made lecturing framework then it’s on you because you don’t pay attention and you are lazy. It’s never on them.
How about Spookie’s House of Jumpscares?
At least I think that’s what it’s called?
Interesting. I did not know that.
What if your parents are autistic as well? Mine were.
I remember Chrome starting nearly instantly. But that could be that it’s doing some preloading. I haven’t used Chrome in years though. 2 seconds for Firefox startup sounds about right yes.
As for memory, I wouldn’t say Firefox is great. But I often have a lot of tabs open at once while I am researching some things and Firefox is just rock solid for me. It has had some memory leaks in the past but they seem to be mostly gone now. You’d probably find browsers that use less memory but I dare to question if they would use less memory than Firefox in my usecase.
In an unrelated note I am curious which modern browser (in Linux) uses the fewest amount of memory.
My advice would be the latter. That case you can always use the same browser, no matter what OS you decide to use in the future.
Firefox has been slower to startup for a long time. Maybe a few seconds slower compared to Chrome. But it has always made up for it in it’s memory usage. The more tabs you open, the worse Chrome gets.
I think I started using it in the 1.x times. I remember all the flaws it’s had since. I’ve given lots of other browsers a try in the meantime but none come close to Firefox. They might be good enough for others but for power users Firefox is the way to go.
The less can be sent into orbit, the better. We have enough trash in orbit as it is. No need to clutter it up any further.
Thanks for the advice. I will check some of those out.
Thanks for the advice.
Firefox for sure.
I’d like a beer that doesn’t taste bitter to me. I know this is probably me because I am very sensitive to bitter tastes (I can even taste the light bitterness of artificial sweeteners in drinks). But I’d love to experience an alcoholic beverage for once without the bitter taste.
This sounds like the point where you dive into the next rabbit hole of making enclures. At least I could see that happening.
I’m looking to make some wooden enclosures for some things myself.
Makes me curious about everything included in the one on the right.
Could somebody translate it?
There’s nothing wrong with relying on medication. I just wanted to state that.
Don’t ever randomly stop taking medication. Always consult a doctor first.
Even with medication I am not in a good place right now. But I am glad I don’t have the thoughts of hurting myself thanks to the meds.
You are probably right. My memories are of using Firefox on a PC with a mechanical hard drive. Back then Chrome seemed to have the upper hand. But these days Firefox loads instantly when you have an SSD. So yes, please ignore my earlier argument.