I agree with the point but it is quite fatalist to merely state a fact and to not try and do anything about it. In Britain, I feel that it is the duty of communists to call out groups like the CPGB-ML (and the “Workers’ Party” as someone pointed out in another thread, which is career-opportunist George Galloway’s project) for their grotesque opportunistic support of crypto-fascist movements. Online and offline.
There is a problem and it is the job of communists to call out parties that support this shit and to offer them places to get properly educated. I only recently discovered prolewiki for example but if someone asked me about “MAGA communism”, I’d possibly suggest that they read the prolewiki page and then we can discuss it.
Again, I don’t think that that’s a fair statement. It is the reactionary “ML” parties who are jumping on this patsoc bullshit in an opportunist fashion. I’ve been active for around 12 years and have never thought revolution was around the corner. That said, education, agitation and organisation never end, do they?
There are two things I always remember from Lenin when discussing or contemplating fatalism: 1) is the quote ‘There are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen.’ and 2) his letter to (I think his mother but I might be wrong) in which he speaks in fatalist terms, as in that feeling we all have, like banging our heads against the walls.
I see this “MAGA communism” phenomenon as part of the never-ending fight against fascism and the material conditions in the USA as well as here in Britain (and all of Europe generally speaking) are ripe for fascism. We are seeing it in Britain and this is another manifestation of it. When the EDL come out, or the BNP back when I started, we would be out too ready to fight them, physically.
Fatalism is bordering on counterrevolutionary and being eager to call out fascism does not mean that you expect the proletariat to suddenly rise up under the banner of any given nation’s “communist party”. We have at least three “Marxist-Leninist” parties here, mostly run by spooks and several Trotskyist parties, as well as some ultraleft groups such as ancoms. I am under no illusion about the state of proletarian consciousness (or the lack thereof) but this doesn’t negate the need to organise. And the question of consciousness is in large part what leads me to see “MAGA communism” as a threat: it has money behind it, the algorithm favours it and it is having an influence on impressionable people. Are we meant to merely let that slide because the left is a joke?
If we can mobilise for Palestine solidarity marches almost every week in most major towns and cities, we can propagate against patsoc movements and call out the parties which support them.