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Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • I guess you’ve never heard of the beach with sand that is more radioactive than Fukushima and has been since long before nuclear energy or even nuclear weapons. People go there because the black sand is pretty and because it doesn’t have enough ionizing (cancerous) radiation to hurt anyone, it’s actually really popular.

    Not all nuclear power plants are equal. Fukushima barely reached “level 8” on the danger level of nuclear accidents, which is the catch-all “really bad and off the charts” level. Even though Chernobyl was also “off the charts”, the soviet nuclear program was also focused on using power plants to make weapon’s grade plutonium and their design was flawed severely, so Chernobyl was and still is much, much worse.

    Three Mile Island was a maintenance issue, and Fukushima was due to catastrophic damage, so what if we could build a nuclear plant that relied on something other than technology to prevent a meltdown?

    Simple, gravity. Trains used to crash into disconnected carriages from other trains whose engineers never realized a coupler broke. Now, when a train starts, there’s pressurized air in a hose running the length of a train and when it fails the air is released; that was the only thing keeping the brakes on every car _de_activated. So the train immediately comes to a halt. That’s what an actual failsafe is, but nuclear plants currently in operation don’t have that because they were built in the 1950s and 60s on the cheap.

    Instead of air, an electromagnet in a NEW design keeps a seal at the bottom of the plant closed. If the electricity fails, the seal is opened by gravity. When the seal is open, the nuclear fuel is sent dropping into a cooling tank with enough water to keep them cooled off for 100 or more years, during a mere few months of which we can repair the minimal damage easily. Unfortunately, the design was held back for decades for numerous nontechnical reasons, and now the average person is too fucking terrified of past failures based on the lies of businessmen and the shortsightedness of Cold War paranoia to use something that actually works.

  • Yeah, ffs, if you want to fight a war, leave both side’s kids out of it.

    14 and younger is too early for anyone to die, I swear if that asshole Trump really is the Antichrist (look it up, I’m no Christian but the “Kek and Medjet” meme energy is strong with that theory) and the bible was right (and if so, that these really are the end times), I hope every last person who has willingly killed a child or ordered someone to kill children goes to the 10th circle of hell or whatever passes for it, no matter what god or concept they believe in. Especially Trump (see the Mexican immigrant kids who his illegal “task force” of bigots basically kidnapped and let starve) and Putin, but that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Justice needs to be served for every child, whether they were enslaved on cocoa farms, working in slaughterhouses in the state that changed child labor laws, sent to juvenile detention for crimes they didn’t commit because the judge was getting kick-backs from a corporate prison, or killed in school shootings.

    People say we hate child abuse. I strongly suspect what people really hate is the feeling of disgust that enter their heads if they hear “sex” and “kids” in the same sentence, which would be understandable if it was genuine concern (nobody, especially kids, should be subject to sex against their will, and yes, kids cannot consent) but it’s not. If it was, guns would be regulated, school bus routes would be required to never cross railroad tracks, and any leader - corporate or government - responsible for the intentional or negligent death of a child due to actions that used political/managerial authority would be executed.

    I am so done with reality. Wake me up on November 12, if we’re still around by then.

  • I wish I could go back in time, “buy” those kids and raise them in safety and comfort. This is not an okay “joke” OP, and I see people are finally starting to realize what I realized in 2017 after watching that shitty movie “Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children” that literally drove me to insanity.

    A lot of people don’t care about children, instead seeing them purely as a burden unless the child is forced to work. It’s disgusting and rooted entirely in overly conservative values.

    Many who don’t fit into the above category are simply sexist and hate kids as being the result of either “being a traitor to your gender” (if you’re female) or “pussy whipped” (if you’re male).

    This seems to have been the majority view since at least 2015, though I only noticed it when I realised children were being cast exclusively as villains, victims of the villains, or heroes who are forced to “grow up” over the course of the story. If proof is needed, I can provide a list of not one, not two, not three, but 33 different stories that do this and almost all of them are either made in the 2010s or became popular in some way in the 2010s.