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A geologist and archaeologist by training, a nerd by inclination - books, films, fossils, comics, rocks, games, folklore, and, generally, the rum and uncanny… Let’s have it!


  • Yrtree.me - it’s still early days for me in the Fediverse, so bear with me
  • 15 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • Back in the ’90s, when the blockbuster age was in full swing, with the independent film revolution happening right alongside it, I knew who I was rooting for on a weekly basis. I’ll confess that I sometimes thought of popcorn-movie audiences as the “bad guys,” and the audiences for adventurous indie and foreign films as the “good guys.” The bad guys kept the engine of escapism whirring. But the good guys helped to sustain cinema as an art form. That may sound snobby or unfair, but it’s how I thought of it.

    I am not sure where I fit into that (snobby and unfair) narrative. I go at least twice a week and watch most of the big movies and the majority of genre films. I’ll also try and watch any foreign-language films that catch my interest, even though quite a few are only shown in a slightly more distant and inconvenient to get to multiplex.

    Am I someone who loves the cinema the most? Dunno.

  • It’s an artform, like perfectly baking a poo. If you time it right you can basically fall straight asleep without your brain going “hey, I just thought of something!”

    I messed up last night when I hit the wall after 9 days solidly on the go - I thought the bed looked nice and a little lie on it wouldn’t hurt but I still had shit to do before bed. So I dropped off but my brain kept prodding me back to near consciousness and I kept on having weird sleep paralysis/false awakening dreams - including one in which I heard a woman murder a friend outside my bedroom door but I couldn’t force myself off the bed to intervene.

  • You can do something cathartic. After getting dumped, I once pushed a tree down in my back garden and carried it around to the front of the house for disposal. My muscles ached and I was cut and bruised but felt a lot better afterwards. Other times I’ve just gone out drinking with friends. There are sater more controlled ways of doing it - try exercising to exhaustion, get away for the weekend and GI hiking, drive a tank, go to one of those places where you can smash things up, organise a big paintballing session, etc. Something that breaks you out of your routine, preferably gets you out of your local area, needs all your focus and tires you out. It should take your mind off things, get you so focused and tired you aren’t brooding about it and provide a symbolic break so you can leave your baggage behind on the other side.

    It’s not an instant cure, this will all take time but it’s a decisive first step.