I’ll do this later…
These religious nutjobs like to living and choose what parts of the Bible they’ll follow when it’s convenient. Apply their Christian principles to lending money.
Well looks like we’ll be getting more Chinese OF girls. Gonna be fun when the Western girls have to compete against the Eastern girls. Grab your popcorn!
Yeah they battle gators.
This is expected from Microsoft. It’s their tick tock pattern of good windows based windows. 95 good, ME bad, XP good, Vista bad, 7 good, 8 bad, 10 good, 11bad.
Absolutely right. Their echo chamber is their safe space so don’t threaten it!
The post is about encrypted apps and cyberattacks not human rights violation. By default the topic of conversation is the post.
Dude we’re talking about encryption here. Stay on fuckin topic.
The Snowden leaks came out when Obama was president. Obama was the one who said, “The only people who don’t want to disclose the truth are people with something to hide”. The republicans and democrats are the same fucking people.
All of my little cousins and nephews watch streamers. To them it’s more fun to watch someone play than to play most times. They don’t like dealing with challenging games all the time, they really just want to have fun. These kids do play games but they watch more than me so I tried watching some streamers and I get it. When I was growing up we had systems with multiple controller ports and no online. Online gaming was PC only until I went to college and console online took off. But growing up you had to bring your friends or cousins to play some Mario Kart 64. That was way different than playing with randoms online. Streamers kinda brings that connection back.
Sorry I don’t have anything newer than this. I have seen reports of Russia forcing migrants to fight on their side though. Another source. EDIT: This one is sketchy. One more source.
So far I haven’t seen anything recently about Ukraine forcing non-Ukrainians to fight for them. I think they allow volunteers. The reports from my previous post is from the beginning of the war, the links in this post is more recent and shows Russia doing it. It still puts a source taste in my mouth about the war. Imagine if any citizen from a European country staying in an African country and a war breaks out. The Africans try to make the European stay and fight for them. No one would have that!
I want to be clear. Russia is in the wrong for breaking their word to Ukraine when they invaded. In order for Ukraine to voluntarily surrender their nukes they were assured by Russia and the US that they wouldn’t be invaded by them. But I’m not an expert in geopolitics, I don’t know the real reason why Russia invaded, I don’t pretend to know. I just don’t want to be forced to be involved.
I sent you news reports of the incidents and IT’S STILL NOT ENOUGH! What do you want? A scientific paper? What other sources are acceptable. Literally gave you news and it wasn’t Russian Television, it was western news sources. Not good enough.
Keep your head buried in the sand.
Cool story huh? Not hard to find the evidence. Here is some for you:
Here is one report of the difficulties non white students had leaving.
Here is a report of someone from the Congo being told to fight for Ukraine.
Still bullshit?
Here is one report of the difficulties non white students had leaving.
Here is a report of someone from the Congo being told to fight for Ukraine.
So as someone of african decedent I don’t give a fuck about Ukraine.
Here is one report of the difficulties non white students had leaving.
Here is a report of someone from the Congo being told to fight for Ukraine.
So as someone of african decedent I don’t give a fuck about Ukraine.
When the war between Russia and Ukraine first started in 2022 I was seeing reports of the Ukrainians trying to force Africans on student visas to stay in the country and fight. That’s when I decided that I don’t gaf about Ukraine.
I will never understand how a war on the other side of the planet is important to me, my life, my family, my community, or anything or here. Why isn’t the other wars important? Isn’t there a civil war in Myanmar? What about the wars in Africa?
Lmao who down voted you?
They aren’t related so sucks for them
People get killed everyday. I don’t condone it but I’m also not gonna act like I got the moral high ground and lecture. Now these companies are gonna take measures to protect themselves and their family. But all it takes is one really motivated individual with nothing more to loose.