• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 11th, 2023


  • I only seem to barely notice the difference… At first i couldnt understand what everyone was talking about…but yeah its a small delay over what it used to be. Also it seems any bookmarked vids will no longer autoplay… you have to click play… is that a thing anyone else has to do ?

    I tried Edge and it seemed only a small bit faster to me, but it did autoplay. Are there any other anomalous strange effects google has done to youtube that i might have missed ?

    I never had issues with adds on FF and ublock … still don’t.

  • The attack did not occur because of his nationality, it happened because of his religion, because of his bullshit superstitious religion… ya got that…? The guy could have been a sweedish muslim and I bet you 100% and he’d have attacked for some reason based on Islam…again religion. He Could have been an Egyptian Christian and had a beef for the Romans being the executioners of christ…once again religion.

    It’s Embarrassing for any nationality when this kind of mindless bad behavior happens, but you can stop debating its about anything but that persons own barbaric, irrational dogmas.

  • Whether or not they can scale it is always a technical concern as to if its practical or not yes, but Scaling costs $, wheres that money going to come from if they find they can reasonably scale it…Hmmm?

    It’s based in China, and I’m not even sure how goverment aided funding works there, or for that matter how even private funding would. My point is there are bound to be those who will interfere with or straight up deny funding for things like this because it conflicts with OTHER competing interests. It’s like all the two dozen articles we hear about rechargeable battery innovations only worse…we get a lot of the “oh thats cool, I sure hope that comes to pass”“Thats neat good for those guys !” crowd who are always asking the same question years later if they ever do at all, that i ask up front… Where is this product…? Why am I not able to go out and purchase this marvelous thing to improve my life and the lives of those around me. I dont expect it yesterday, but it would be nice if we could ever see things like this actually become readily available soon after such praise and promising review, but they never do, and if they do they’re never affordable…because if it’s convenient it never is. If its that cool it’s usually a tool only the wealthy can ever afford or have access to.

    But usually all talk of it seems to just fade away like no one ever even heard of it… This article disappears in time, and no updates are discussed ever again, but I’m never supposed to critically question anything…I’m supposed to have faith that it will all work out just like the tech bros envision it. The basic science and development i don’t have a problem with, but the absurd dogmatic pragmatism I do, and I’ve already explained to you why.