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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 25th, 2023


  • People are annoyed with you because you want everything a simple look at Wikipedia can teach you, spoon fed to you in the comments.

    Good lord yall apparently cant handle a question. Do you have any research besides using a wiki for children? Apparently who gives a shit about learning or anything, you can just spend a second looking at an article edited by plebs and thats good enough according to these chucklefucks.

    The whole original post is a collection of uninformed ramblings, and you expect people to engage with it. (You “kinda like the leftist vibe and hate capitalism”? Do you even know what those words actually mean?)

    The only uninformed rambling was the mess of comments I got. One recommended a childrens novel!

    I like commie shit, I want to get rid of the rich bigwigs and start fixing this mess. Capitalism seems to just be trying to make money, and I hate greedy bastards. I understand that ‘vibe’ means ‘the mood’ and the like. Its not that hard to learn words.

  • I guess its all trolling now, asking questions. Fuck these computers, everyone acts like its the cold war and the feds are everywhere.

    You display a weird mix of ignorance and laziness in not reading up on the basics, while you also often try to dumb down or nitpick an answer given to you.

    didn’t change anything up, if you thought I was dumbing them down they must have been pretty dumb anyway.

    No simple answers? I know, im just trying to ask why their answer is simple, but yours ain’t. Seems like yall think differently and picked your own sides. Although they seem to have picked a strange one Ill say that.