Outright theft?
Outright theft?
“pog” dude.
Doesn’t hold up?
I really need that on a Tshirt.
Thanks. Her wiki is… Interesting.
Who is Queen Dildo, please?
$15 AUD for 458ml of Ben and Jerry’s here. So, whats that, 3/4 of a pint?
Is that a valid and enforceable clause though, even if i clicked “i agree”?
Not for longer than isreal has.
Yeah, her cameltoe.
The amount of people putting “unvaxxed” in dating sites is shocking. I mean i appreciate the heads up, like all aposematism, but it was genuinely surprising.
Not sure what you have against Furries. Id rather hang out with 100 Furries for eternity than a Christian for a week.
You’re a legend, thanks for taking the time to reply, i appreciate it.
Also a Philippines stew with pork and liver. (but i doubt many fillipinos are named Jesus.)
How did they prove that? (genuinely asking, not being sarcastic)
I dont have any advice, but this is well written, i like how you phrased things and i hope you find your person/people/hug. Good luck.
Isnt it literally Treason? Again?
Target fixation.
Thanks dude, im an Australian, living in Australia but this whole “the non rapist, non fascist, non criminal guy who has a raspy voice, stutter, forgets a name guy is equal or worst to the Fascist, Rapist Paedophile Destroy the World cunt” is fucking nuts. America, grow the fuck up.