Went to a movie theater and saw a trailer for a movie where I was interested in the first 30 seconds of it, but the trailer then showed what looked like something probably from the last 10 minutes and spoiled the entire movie, so lost all interest.

So what movies come to mind as having done really good, where it makes you interested and gives you an idea of the movie, but doesn’t ruin any big reveals?

  • Ech@lemm.ee
    7 months ago

    but expecting the rest of the world to cater to that is unreasonable

    But it’s not really something we can get up in arms over after a certain point.

    Yes, I did. You’re very committed to painting a basic, mild request as something pointless and unreasonable to ask of others, which is so backwards it’s absurd. Thinking for 2 seconds about how what you say can affect those around you isn’t some big ask. It shouldn’t even have to be asked. It should be bog standard for anyone interacting in society.