Looking for a way to get audiobooks to listen to. Preferably in a format compatible with Apple Books app.
Probably not the answer you’re looking for, but your local library likely has thousands of audiobooks available for free through an app.
Libby is the service my library uses. The state capital gives everyone a free library card also, so I get access to a much wider library than i would otherwise. Bullshit the restrictions publishers require, like forcing the library to buy a license for each “copy” of a book it loans, but libraries are still fighting the good fight more than anywhere else I know.
mobilism is pretty good, they’re more for epubs but they have a solid amount of mp3, m4a and m4b audiobooks. Not sure which format apple books prefers but they’re worth a look
Mobilism has been a go to for me. Someone recommended it here a while back. Its far from perfect but I only grab an audio book maybe a few times a year so it works for me.
That’s my go to for sure. But what do you play them on? I am trying to find an app that will play my downloaded audio books and won’t lose my place or restart the file every day when I want to continue
I used Smart Audiobook Player to listen to an audiobook recently and it worked great.
Despite, knowing where I am currently, may I suggest Audible? Once you’ve stripped the DRM you can then put it into whatever format you want. There’s a Windows application called OpenAudible, I that’s what it’s called, that I use to strip the DRM and then transcode it into MP4.
It’s not free, I know, but they seem to have almost any audiobook you might want.