For me, in no particular order:

  • Firewatch
  • This War of Mine
  • What Remains of Edith Finch
  • Gone Home
  • Papers Please
  • Doki Doki Literature Club
  • I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream
    1 year ago


    I don’t think it works quite as well nowadays with much fewer people playing it but it was an incredible experience when it first came out. I still play it whenever I need to calm down or just having a bad day. It’s truly a special game to me.

      1 year ago

      I actually played Journey for the first time just several months ago! I think there’s still enough people around that you can still run into other players on your journey. Maybe I ran into you at some point?

        1 year ago

        I ALSO just got around to playing Journey a few months ago, knowing nearly nothing about it. Spoilers ahead.

        I started, got the hang of it a little bit, and was running around. I see another person! I chirp, he chirps, we dance around a bit, and we’re on our way. He shows me a few things, so I’m confident he knows his way around. I still go my own way, and he waits for me. Chirps when I should follow. I do. At some point, I have to pee REALLY bad and I want to make a drink. So I chirp, turn in a circle, chirp again, and he does the same. I go pee, make a drink, and when I’m back we are both sitting.

        We make it through the rest of the game. He is the best companion I could hope for. I tear up twice during our adventure, and am nearly crying at the end. No games do this to me.

        We make it together, and I PRAY at the end it lets me know who this person is. I’m DELIGHTED when it shows me his name, and I add him. He immediately accepts.

        I tell him it’s my first time playing, and that I appreciated him helping me out so much! He tells me that he has fully completed the game, and plays so he can find new players to help have an amazing first time. We ALMOST got all of the secrets, but I missed a couple. He then sends me screenshot after screenshot after screenshot of us on our journey. He has a mod of some sort that lets him take out-of-body cinematic photos. I tear up more. I love this person.