As a result, bill trackers report the new KOSA title (“KOSPA”) but use the old summary on the paper-shuffling bill. (e.g. see
(This is not about the merits of KOSA; this is about the merits of taking a young kid (bill)'s dreams and aspirations, shutting it in the closet grinder, and replacing poor old billy with his cousin−n-times−removed.)
What’s more infuriating is that no major news outlets report that KOSA was passed as KOSPA.
Well there’s still hope they’ll be unable to resolve the differences between the Senate and House versions or that Biden won’t sign it.
Biden has issued a statement that he intends to sign it. After that, we can just hope that we don’t get an anti-queer president, since the clause that allowed censorship is enforced by the FTC now.