• HelixDab2@lemm.ee
    3 months ago

    “Certain leftists want a 100% morally pure option that doesn’t realistically exist in our political system right now. I wish it did but it doesn’t,” said Furey, who also shared his frustration on TikTok. “And it annoys me that rather than use their vote to make a difference in what ways they can, they throw their hands up and say screw the system. It’s a cop-out and completely against what we on the left should stand for.”


    Is there a lot I don’t like about Harris? Sure. So what though? The only other realistic option I have is so, so much worse on every single front. If I believe in making things better, that means doing what I can to avoid the worst possible options, and doing things that are effective. Voting Green, or for an independent isn’t effective, not under the system we currently have.