Pretty dystopian how important villages and towns become “symbolic” overnight once the Ukranians don’t win.
Also, must be really great for morale in the AFU. That village you fought for, it didn’t have any actual importance, it was just symbolic.
It is a symbolic key village that all. Nothing to see.
Soon we’ll start seeing articles about Russia’s symbolic conquest of Ukraine that had no strategic value.
“Russia captures Kiev in symbolic victory” is one of the news I’ll be soo excited to see.
The other one is “Russian forces enter New York”, Ukrainian one ofk, but I really like to see the reaction of people who only read the headlines.
Russia could capture the whole of Ukraine and it’d still be labeled as “symbolic.” No amount of “wins” will ever satisfy the west.
The Putin regime failed to annex all of Europe, settling for a largely symbolic victory over Ukraine.
I guess this is just leading up to a “government in exile” sort of position for Ukraine, where Russia puts pro-Russian (or at least neutral) factions in power and the nazi ones flee to the west and claim to be the “real” government of the country, recognised only by the western powers and no one else.
That seems like a very likely scenario, the other option is that we’ll see a south Vietnam style coup.
So like Belaruś?
A symbolic key
Inshallah all the downvoters deaths will be symbolic…
At what cost…