The master piece of accusation during a terror trial in france.

This is the main reason why a guy made 18 month in solitary jail (ended after a 37 days hunger strile) and others “cop killers” risk years in detention. Court decision is pending until december.

See that terrorist squad training to plant a bomb ? Note that the cunning terror cell hid this evidence in plain site on youtube. Uploading on youtube is great OPSEC nowdays…

Also during trial this dick meme was shown in court as their battle plan to use explosive drones and kill our beloved president. Macron paraded alone and saluted imaginary french peoples on bastille day as the crowd was away from the dick zone.

Someone had to explain the judge and the secret service that this was a dick meme. Then the judge asked why dicks are funny.

There is not way to realize how much the french police and government degenerated. I wish i could laugh at these fools but some people suffered because of these lunatics.