What I find even more infuriating than whatever this stuff this former douche-in-chief is doing, is the compromised Supreme Court and Fifth Circuit justices doing very similar things when they are supposed to be impartial: making up their own legal fictions to suit the justices and their financiers’ own needs and citing them later on. Those are courts of a dictatorship, not a free democracy.
He had/has judiciary support but not military support. Otherwise we’d have seen those gallows used.
I will never understand how we came to a point in history where people just bent over for a compulsively lying billionaire fascist to rape to death what was left of their democracy.
It never made a goddamned bit of sense for trump to get more than 10% of votes. And yet here we are. Even if he loses (which he somehow might fucking not) he won’t let it go and will be filing pointless lawsuits and whipping morons into violent frenzies for months to come.
I feel certain that depression rates have risen due to Trump. For years in therapy I talked about him and it’s literally only gotten much worse since then.
Now you know why Washington warned us about political parties. The OG was right about them:
" However [political parties] may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion. "- George Washington
Have you ever noticed that conservatives only claim cheating when they lose? When they win, the election was fair and square.
Not “fair and square”. Rather that Conservatives purport they managed to win and persevere despite the Left’s “rigging” of the election. Allows them to perpetuate their lies even further and galvanise their deluded, brain-washed base.
Oh, he claimed it was still stolen in 2016. He says that he won by so much more, but the Democrats stole enough votes to make it look close.
I don’t see him bringing up the “dead vote” this time around. Maybe that’s because the four or five from last election… went to him.
"Earlier this week, he claimed York County, Pennsylvania, had “received THOUSANDS of potentially FRAUDULENT Voter Registration Forms and Mail-In Ballot Applications from a third party group.” He has also pointed to Lancaster County, which he claimed had been “caught with 2600 Fake Ballots and Forms, all written by the same person. Really bad ‘stuff.’”
During a campaign event in Allentown on Tuesday, the former president said: “They’ve already started cheating in Lancaster. They’ve cheated. We caught ’em with 2,600 votes. No, we caught them cold. 2,600 votes. Think of this, think of this. And every vote was written by the same person.”"
When you do a voter registration drive, you are legally obligated to submit all registrations, valid or not. The only entity with the legal authority to reject registrations as valid is the State Secretary of State office.
This is because, back in the day, parties would do registration drives and just shit-can any registration for opposing parties.
Now, even if some dumbass fills out a registration for “Mickey Mouse” or “Superman”, it STILL has to be submitted to the Secretary of State for rejection.
That’s not “voter fraud”.
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